Saturday, April 28, 2012

Buy items using Real Currency - Diablo 3 Auction House

Along with the start of the beta test, the tester is given 50 bucks to show how the auction house works. The early testing was to insure that the auction house meets the highest standards and to make it more accessible as much as to make it secure.

Almost all items are trade-able through auction house. The main purpose of the auction house is to make your characters customization easy and possible. Not all of the loots are based upon your character of choice, so to make a way for the players to engage in trading in a vast public sources.

The auction house functionality are the basic ones like bidding, selling using gold/real money, buying using gold/real money, searching items that are selling/bidding and cashing out. The functionality may change depending on the developers, but as far as the beta goes, there are no major changes in terms of the functionality of the auction house.


  1. Nice information thanks for the information very useful for me.

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  2. Thanks :) I'm happy to hear that.

